So, Here is just a continuation of last night to let you know we all made it through the ice storm..haha. It honestly wasn't that hard, we just went to bed. Just thought I would post some pictures of what I woke up to this morning just for fun. It was wonderful sleeping in this morning, although I can't sleep past 8am most days:)By the time I woke up, got dressed, and went outside to take some pictures the ice had mostly melted, but here are the pictures I took! Have a great day!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Inclement Weather-Cont.
Posted by Amy & Justin Perry at 8:02 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Inclement Weather- Gotta Love Texas!
Texas can have some crazy weather sometimes and tonight is one of those times. Work closed today at 3pm and we went home to enjoy a few hours off. This evening it has been pretty interesting, we have had lots of sleet and freezing rain. We have spent the evening trying to keep warm and occasionally looking outside to see what's going on. Of course Justin made the best of the situation by making "sleet angels" and "sleetballs". We were happy to find out we will get to sleep in tomorrow since the school will be closed until noon. We watched the news waiting for the closure, it reminded me of waiting for hurricane closings in Florida:) The storm should be over around 4am! That's all for now! Good Night!
Posted by Amy & Justin Perry at 10:28 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Our New Place
So, as you all know we have moved and as you all know I have been saying I will put up pictures of our new place. So for those of you who are still bugging me about it(you know who you are, haha) here are some pictures of our house. If you click on the pictures they should get bigger:) Enjoy!
A big thanks goes out to my mom, she came and helped us ALOT for a few days in Dec/Jan. The hanging light in the dining room, my mom made that. Yes, she is creative:) Thanks Mom! We have another bedroom as well, but it is still a mess so sorry, no pictures:) We also have a nice fenced in backyard, which we will begin using in the Spring:) and a nice carport to keep our car safe during the hail season. Gotta love Texas!
Posted by Amy & Justin Perry at 10:20 AM 2 comments
Monday, January 19, 2009
Our Trip to Dallas
Saturday, Justin, our friend Brook and I went on a mini road trip up to Dallas. The weather was beautiful! While we were there we spent some time at the Dallas Farmer's Market. This is one of the coolest places in all of Dallas. Now I am not a huge fan of the Dallas area for many reasons, but I might consider moving there just to be close to this place(haha). The Dallas Farmer's Market is divided into three sections. The plant section, the random store section, and my favorite, the produce section. The produce section consists of rows and rows of farmers selling their produce, fresh fruits and vegetables. And here is the best part, they are so cheap! I am thinking about making this trip a once a month type deal:) While we were up there we and Indie movie at a movie theatre. We went to a nice part of Dallas and so everything was really nice at this theater. It was even decked out with leather chairs for each person. There was one theater that had couches and blankets for everyone. It was pretty funny looking into that theater and seeing everyone relaxed on a couch! Anyways, that was a look into our trip to Dallas!
Posted by Amy & Justin Perry at 1:34 PM 1 comments
Monday, January 5, 2009
Slumdog Millionaire.
Yesterday, we went and saw Slumdog Millionaire. Although hard to watch at some times (alot of terrible things happen in India on a daily basis) it was really an amazing movie. If you are interested in what it would be like to live in a place like India I would highly recommend it. It has action, drama, love, and real life situations in it, so it has a little bit for everyone. I don't want to give away any of the movie, so just go see it! But parents, leave your kids at home, this flick is definatly not for children:)
Posted by Amy & Justin Perry at 10:35 AM 0 comments
Friday, January 2, 2009
New Years in Fort Worth!
So, we are back in Fort Worth once again. I have been very thankful for the weather the past few days, It has made it a very smooth transition from Florida! My mom came in town on Tuesday and we have been having so much fun with her! Moving into the new place we have had to decorate, organize and everything in between so it has been nice to have her around to help me out. (THANK YOU SO MUCH MOM!) I am hoping to post pictures soon, but of course no promises:). New Years Eve we spent at the Armed Forces Bowl at the TCU stadium, we went with mom and a few of our friends and had a blast! The displays the military brings to the game is so much fun to experience and watch, they had everything from planes, to tanks, to paratroopers, to military marching bands, and the list goes on and on. This is our second year going to this event and I think we are making it a tradition as long as we are in Texas!
Our friends, Beau and Christa, invited us over for a New Years Eve party that night and we had alot of fun fellowshipping, watching the ball drop on TV, playing Mexican Train and catch phrase, and drinking alot of Welch's Sparkling Grape Juice;). New Years Day was mom's birthday so of course we went to Red Lobster for lunch, one of her favorites. We spent the rest of the day shopping, and you can't end a birthday right without free birthday icecream from Coldstones! My mom took full advantage of that and I really enjoyed it myself:). Well, Happy New Years to all!
Posted by Amy & Justin Perry at 10:14 AM 0 comments