We had a wonderful time in Florida over Christmas break. It was great to get back to the sunshine and the warm weather for a week. We stayed very busy back home, like we normally do when we visit. Before Christmas we shopped and shopped and shopped. It was alot of fun and we got some great deals at the outlet malls. Tuesday night, we had a midnight (yes you read right) barbeque in the front yard at my parents house to enjoy the lights they put up, it was very different but alot of fun, and also that night we did our normal baskball time, it wouldn't be the same if we went home and didn't do that!
Christmas day was alot of fun. We spent the morning at my family's house doing our normal Christmas routine. Lunch was spent at Grandma Klingensmith's house, with a house full of people as normal. It was alot of fun catching up with all of my cousins and hearing about what they are up to these days. Then off to Grandma Koshko's for round two of Christmas dinner. I can't believe how fast my second cousins are growing up on that side of the family, it made me feel just a little old, hah. By the time we got back to my parents house I was wiped! But it was alot of fun.
Friday we had a back yard fire and invited our friends and family to stop in and see us while we were home. It was a great time of fellowship and it was nice to catch up with everyone.
Saturday was one of my favorite days, BEACH DAY! I was looking forward to this for weeks and weeks and the day was beautiful. My Grandparents took us out to breakfast to start the day out and then we were off to Sanibel and Captiva. We drove around Captiva, and if you ever get to go there you should. It is a really neat and out of the way vacation spot that I would reccomend to anyone. Then we crashed at the time share my parents own on Sanibel beach and just took a nap on the sand and listened to the waves. It was so relaxing. We saw a Mom and Baby dolphin that day, I never go to Sanibel without seeing a dolphin, they like it out there and I don't blame them!
Saturday night called for leftovers at Grandma Klingensmith's and once again got to visit with relatives! We spent the night there that night and went to church with them that day.
Sunday was a day to relax, and we enjoyed the last few hours until we left Monday morning. Hope you all had a great Christmas, I can't wait to hear about it!
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas in Florida!
Posted by Amy & Justin Perry at 9:47 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 22, 2008
There is NO place like home!
We are heading to Fort Myers today to spend some time with family and friends! We hope to see you if you are in town during the week! I posted this picture for all of our friends here in Texas and others up north, because I wanted them to see what our Christmas is going to look like:)
Hope you all have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Remember what the season is all about and give thanks to the Lord for all he has done in your life. Read the Christmas story this season as well. Luke 2. Love you all!
Posted by Amy & Justin Perry at 11:30 AM 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Psalm 119:28
I come writing today with news I wish I didn’t have to write. I went to the doctor’s today to find out that we had lost the baby. I wish I had the strength to tell you all in person, but it is easier on me emotionally to let you know through this. Please pray for me as I am going through a hard time emotionally. I am however, so thankful for the Lord’s comfort during this hard time, and the power of his calming presence in my life, even now. Although it will take me a couple of days to feel this in my heart, I know that this is all part of God’s plan as hard as that is to come to terms with. But I am comforted in knowing that the Lord is there comforting me at every moment. Although I have sadness in my heart I can still feel the Joy that the Father has placed in my heart. I could not go through this without Him. Also, I am so thankful for the friends I have made here in Fort Worth. They didn’t wait even a moment to ask if we need any help, from bringing dinner to asking to spend some time with me, to the prayers that I know are being lifted up as we speak. Life would be much harder without those friendships. And to my precious husband, who has been so wonderful to me today, giving me so much comfort and support and helping me stay strong. Please pray for me, this is especially hard because we are going home for Christmas on Monday. Thank you so much for your prayers.
In Christ,
Posted by Amy & Justin Perry at 5:53 PM 5 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
We Have Moved!
Well, after a long weekend of moving we are finally in our new house. It has been very cold here and we haven't had heat the last few days, so our friend Lorri has let us stay with her during the evening and we are very thankful. Our heat should be turned on today (fingers crossed). We still have alot of organizing to do, so we will post pictures in the next few days. For any of you who would like to know here is our new address:
1807 W. Seminary Drive
Fort Worth, TX 76115In other news it has been freezing here in Fort Worth the last few days. Right now it is 23 degrees. Last night we had frozen rain, which is never fun to drive in. Who knows, we might see snow in the next few days and if we do, we will have pictures to share! We'll be in Fort Myers in a few days for Christmas! We are so excited to see everyone! Anyways, that's all for now!
Posted by Amy & Justin Perry at 9:24 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Visit from My Parents!
My parents came in to Fort Worth to spend some time with us. Both my parents have been to Texas but it was the first time they spent any time here together so it was alot of fun! They came in last Wednesday and we went out to Pappaduex for dinner, it was so delicious, as usual! Thursday we went to the President's Club dinner at the Seminary and went to the Handal's Messiah after that (well, at least the first act, haha). Friday there was an open house at the President's home that they do every year for the students. It was nice as usual with great snacks. We spent the evening downtown looking at the Christmas tree and walking around in Barnes and Noble. Saturday was spent shopping, shopping, shopping! And a trip to Texas wouldn't be worth it without eating dinner at Babe's Chicken and so we did on Saturday Night. They left early Sunday morning. It was a great trip and we had alot of fun! Only two more weeks until we are in Fort Myers for Christmas. I can't wait to see them again as well as the rest of my family!
Posted by Amy & Justin Perry at 1:03 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
It's Been Two Years!
Today is Justin and I's 2nd year anniversary. It's amazing how fast time flies. We have been through so much through the last two years, from moving halfway across the US, to starting new degrees and jobs, to expecting a little one next summer. We are so extremely blessed! Thank you to everyone who has prayed for us over the last two years! And now to get just a tad mushy (It's allowed on days like these) Justin- I love you more and more everyday. I am so blessed to have you in my life and I look forward to what the future holds. Happy Anniversary honey!
Posted by Amy & Justin Perry at 9:02 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 1, 2008
Our Family is Growing!
A few weeks ago Justin and I found out we are going to have a baby! We are super excited! I am in my ninth week, and I have been pretty sick, but it has been so worth it to know that we have a little one on the way! My due date is July 11th! That's about all the info we know as of now! Keep us in your prayers as we have alot to plan and look forward to in the future! Continue reading our blog and we'll keep you posted!
Posted by Amy & Justin Perry at 3:18 PM 5 comments