Friday Justin and I went to see a movie called "The Cross: The Arthur Blessit Story". Arthur Blessit is a traveling Christian missionary, most famous for carrying a cross through every nation of the world. We came across this movie actually looking to go see another movie and we thought it looked interesting, ecspecially since we have met him before. And it was extremely interesting. The story is absolutely amazing. It was a great movie with a powerful and compelling story!! I was moved by Arthur's humility and love for the Lord! If you get to venture to the movie theater soon, check this one out. It's limited release right now so you might need to look for the theater in your area that is showing it. But you will not regret spending your money on this one.
On a side note, I am travelling to Richmond, VA for work tomorrow for four days. Please pray for safe travels!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
The Cross: Arthur Blessit Story
Posted by Amy & Justin Perry at 10:24 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
A Weekend In OK
We spent last weekend visiting my friend Brook's hometown of Fairview, Oklahoma. We had a very relaxing weekend and it was really nice to meet all of Brook's family. Friday we drove the five hour drive up to Fairview. Of course we made a stop at Cracker Barrel for dinner because what's a roadtrip without a stop there?
When we got there we just chatted a while and headed to bed. Saturday was a blast! We spent the day on the Ewbank family farm. They own acres upon acres of oklahoma country and it was just beautiful. You could see for miles and miles. Us girls had alot of fun driving around in the Ranger.Justin took the four wheeler out and I barely saw him all day unless I was out on the Ranger;) He had a great time! Brook's mom made Cheeseburgers for lunch and fajitas for dinner. We ate well in Oklahoma, I cannot say I was ever hungry there!
Sunday we went to Fresh Start Church, a church Brook's dad had started. It's a small, but very neat church. We heard a very powerful sermon while we were there. Every Sunday this church has a potluck fellowship after church, so of course we stayed for lunch.
It was really neat to see churches still doing things like that on Sundays. We then left Fairview and headed towards Oklahoma City. We spent the afternoon there. The first thing did was visit the Oklahoma City bombing Memorial. It was such a beautiful memorial. We also went to Bricktown while we were there. This is kind of a mini version of the San Antonio River Walk, complete with the river ferry and all. We road the river ferry around Bricktown. It was great weather for the ride. We ate dinner at a really neat Mexican resturant before heading back to Fort Worth. I can't wait for our next weekend getaway:) ~Amy
Posted by Amy & Justin Perry at 1:29 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 9, 2009
Sunday at the Park.
Yesterday we had an opportunity to spend the afternoon with a refugee family that Justin works with at World Relief. We had an amazing time with them. This family recently came to the U.S from Afghanistan and is a beautiful family of nine, yes that means seven children! We started that day off at Trinity Park riding the mini train that runs throughout the park. The kids enjoyed it alot. We stopped halfway during the train ride and got the kids some popcorn to snack on. After the train ride we took them to a field in the park and we played frisbee and soccer. We ended up playing a soccer game under a bridge in the dirt. For a few minutes I really felt like I was overseas. The boys are pretty good at soccer and the oldest plays soccer every moment he can. In this family of seven, there is only one girl.
She is so sweet. She got the opportunity to ride a horse while we were at the park and it made her whole day. Afterwards, we went back to their apartment and they made us a snack and we had tea with them. I have fallen in love with this family and I look forward to the next time I will see them. My friend April and I have decided to "adopt" this family through World Relief. We will spend time with them, get clothes, toys and households goods for them, and minister to them as they transition to life in the United States. This is such a blessing to my life to be able to do something like this. Please pray for us as we minister to this family!
Posted by Amy & Justin Perry at 11:33 AM 0 comments
Monday, March 2, 2009
Justin's First Sermon
Sunday Justin preached his first sermon at our church, FBC Benbrook. They are having a sermon series called Tomorrow's Pulpit Today on Sunday nights, and it's five weeks of Seminary students preaching. Justin was week three. I wish I had some pictures or videos to post on this but unfortunatly we were so focused on the actual sermon that I totally forgot. But, I really enjoyed hearing Justin preach. I was so proud of him. His sermon was on John chapter four, the story of the women at the well. He focused on what it meant to worship in spirit and in truth. He did a great job. Thanks to all who prayed for him on that day when you couldn't make it. Your prayers helped alot. Also, thanks to those who came out and supported him. Ya'll are the best!
Posted by Amy & Justin Perry at 11:23 AM 0 comments