Yesterday, Justin finished his finals for the school year!! He has successfully completed his first year at Seminary!! Yay!! Pray for him as he leaves for Canada tomorrow. He will be there until next Thursday on an Evangelism Practicum. He will be taking a class and evangelizing in the city of Vancouver. As alot of you know, Cananda is not an easy place to share the gospel so pray that the people will have open hearts for the message of Jesus Christ and also pray that he will have a safe trip! As for me, I finished my first school year as World Missions Center Coordinator and wow has it been a year!! Learning my job has been an experience. Summer is quiet around here, so I'm told, so I am excited to use this time to set up events and mission trips for next year. My sister is coming into town tomorrow (I'm dropping Justin off in Terminal D then picking her up in Terminal E) and I am excited to have some "girl time" this weekend. We are going to Six Flags and other various places and I am sure I'll add some pictures when it is all said and done!! Well, that's all for now!!

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