Justin and I were blessed to attend the Family Life "Weekend to Remember" conference for free(since we are seminary students) on Valentines weekend! It was such an incredible experience. Justin and I have such busy lives that it was so nice to just get away and focus on our marriage. The conference was held at the Gaylord Texan in Grapevine, Texas. Let me tell you this is a NICE hotel! I wish I could go into alot of detail about it, but you really just have to see it. This place is like a fancy Disneyworld, including shops, really romantic resturants, a sport bar, an indoor pool, an outdoor pool, an indoor river (beauitful!) a fitness room, and the list goes on an on. If you ever get a chance to stay in a Gaylord Hotel, do it! We being poor seminary students stayed at another hotel close to the resort, which was very nice as well, and then we got to enjoy the Gaylord during the day, not bad right? Anyways, the conference was incredible. We started out on Friday Evening with a few sessions which were really great. Dennis Rainey, the president of Family Life, actually came and spoke at this one. Come to find out this was the only conference he will speak at all year, it was great to hear him speak! Saturday was a day filled with sessions on topics from your relationship with Christ to Intimacy (yes, that kind...haha). It was great! Saturday night was "Date Night" and our homework was to go on a date and enjoy each others company. We had a great time. We went to Studio Movie Grill, a movie theater that serves dinner. It was really nice to sit, eat and watch a movie after a long day of conference schedules!
We then came back early Sunday morning to finish off the conference. We had a session called woman-to-woman and man-to-man. This was the best session we had at the conference in my opinion. We seperated husbands in one room and wives in the other and we heard about what it really means to be a wife/mom or husband/dad. Now I had to say I have been to several sermon series, bible studies, pre-married stuff and I have heard all kinds of things on what it means to be a wife, and everytime I finish through them I have a million more questions. It was amazing to get the Biblical truth of what it means to be a wife in one session, in a clear way. I left that session refreshed and without any questions on what the Bible says about my role as a woman, a wife, and a future mom.
We ended the conference renewing our vows. This was such an amazing moment for me because I really knew what all that meant and I was saying it from the bottom of my heart after two years of marriage. Then Justin and I spent the afternoon walking around the resort, and eating a nice lunch together before heading home.
For those of you that are thinking of attending this conference, you won't be dissapointed. It is such an amazing conference that will help your marriage grow no matter what stage you are in. If you are not thinking about attending you should think about it! It will change your marriage life, I promise! If you want more info on the conference go to this website: http://www.familylife.com/aweekendtoremember
Hope you all had a great Valentine's weekend!
Monday, February 16, 2009
Our Weekend to Remember- Valentine's Weekend
Posted by Amy & Justin Perry at 9:45 AM 0 comments
Monday, February 9, 2009
Our Sunday School Adventures
As alot of you know, Justin and I love kids. So we have taken on the adventure of teaching 3rd and 4th grade Sunday School this year at our church FBC Benbrook and it has been nothing but a blast! We are working our way through the old Testament right now. Right now we are working through the book of Judges. Justin is doing a great job teaching the Word while of course, I am Mrs. Activity Planner:) It has been a real blessing to have these children in our life. They are such sweet girls and guys. I just thought I would post some pictures from our class. Please pray for us as we teach these kids the Word of God, that we might make an impact on their lives.
Posted by Amy & Justin Perry at 9:04 AM 0 comments
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Melissa is Having a Girl!
Yesterday we had a baby shower for Melissa, a friend of mine here at SWBTS. We had a great time. I have to first thank Tina and Lorri for the wonderful cupcakes, and to Lorri for opening up her house and Brook for bringing some yummy dips and helping us set up before the big event. It was my first time planning a baby shower so it was a learning experience but I had a blast planning it. It was also fun to fellowship with a room full of girls for a few hours! During the shower we played alot of games including: baby shower around the world, guess the baby food flavor, and baby bingo. We also did a really fun activity where we all decorated burp cloths to give the Melissa, they turned out really cute and she really liked them! Justin took Drew (Melissa's husband) out for a "Baby Shower Alternative" and they spent the day eating a Razzoo's (nothing like those fried pickles) and bowling.
Justin enjoyed having some guy time and so did Drew. They had a great time! Melissa, I hope everything from here on out goes great with the baby. I can't wait to meet little Briley:)
Posted by Amy & Justin Perry at 8:53 AM 0 comments