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Monday, September 15, 2008

Justin's New Job

Today Justin found a new job at World Relief as the Employment Specialist. What kind of job is this? Well, he will be working with refugees as they come into the country and he will be helping them find jobs so they can begin a life here in America. What a wonderful opportunity for Justin to work with people from all over the world and to share the gospel with them. Pray for him as he begins this job, as it will keep him very busy between that and school! Another major blessing is we have a MUCH better health insurance plan now. This has been a huge blessing for us. The insurance we had was not the best and with some of the health problems we have dealt with last school year we do not want to take any chances! Just one more way God is blessing us as we continue preparing for ministry!

Want to know a little bit more about World Relief? Check out their website: That's all for now!


Saturday, September 6, 2008

Skene Festival

Once a year the Missions Center has something called the Skene Festival. It's a camp out we have on campus for Missions and it's a great event! This year we focused on East Asia and prayed for the people and Missionaries serving in East Asia. We had games, a hot dog dinner, fellowship, a movie, praise and worship and prayer time. It was an amazing night. Well, Here are some picture for you to see!
